DuPont™ AmberLite™ IRN77 H Ion Exchange Resin is designed specifically for use in nuclear loops where highestresin purity and stability are required, and where the "assupplied" resin must have a minimum of ionic and non-ionic contamination.

Engineered to meet the stringent requirements of nuclear applications, AmberLite™ IRN77 H boasts the highest standards of resin purity
The resin's uniform particle size and the absence of fine resin beads contribute to a lower pressure drop compared to conventional resins

Technical characteristics of the media

  • Type: Strong acid cation
  • Matrix: Gel
  • Functional group: Sulfonic acid
  • Ionic form as shipped: H+
  • Total exchange capacity: ≥ 1.90 eq/L (H+ form)
  • Shipping weightt: 800 g/L

Recommended operational conditions

  • Temperature Range (H+ form): 5 – 150°C
  • рН Range Stable: 0-14

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Ion-exchange resin DuPont™ AmberLite™ IRN77 H