Transform your daily hydration with the Ecosoft PURE AquaCalcium Mint cartridge set. Specially designed for Ecosoft PURE AquaCalcium reverse osmosis system, this set ensures your water is pure, mineral-rich, and refreshing.


• 5 micron sediment PP filter removes large particulates of silt, sand and rust

• Granular activated carbon (GAC) filter reduces content of chlorine, chlorinationbyproducts and natural organic matter

• CTO coconut shell carbon filter - reduces content of chlorination byproducts and sediments

• Mineralization filter Ca+++ contains a mineral composition which was formulated to enrich water with essential dietary minerals, including calcium.

• Coconut shell carbon post-filter improves taste and odour of the purified water

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P'URE AquaCalcium Mint set of 5 replacement filters PP5-GAC-CTO-AQUACALCIUM MINT- POST at the best price ⏩ Quality is approved by ISO and CE certificates ⭐️ 12 months warranty of P'URE AquaCalcium Mint set of 5 replacement filters PP5-GAC-CTO-AQUACALCIUM MINT- POST ✔️ Timely delivery of our products to any country of the world ⚡️ More than 60 countries.
Domestic Reverse Osmosis
PURE AquaCalcium set of 5 replacement filters