Free your office from bottled water or water delivery with AQA drink OFFICE.
AQA drink OFFICE is a device that can be connected to a variety of water filtration systems, which is connected to tap water and provides the office with cold, sparkling and ambient drinking water.
Intuitive user interface allows you to get water at the touch of a button. It does not require a drain connection because it has a tank with an overflow sensor located, together with a filter and CO2 cylinder, inside the cabinet. A powerful refrigeration unit guarantees water that is always cold and in large quantities, with extremely low energy consumption.
This model is small and is easily adaptable to office or waiting room spaces.
Capacitatea de răcire
Număr de persoane
până la 15
Tipuri de apă
Cold, Sparkling, Ambient
De sine stătător
*Capacitatea de răcire este calculată cu Δt= 10°C
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