Supply of drinking water in emergency situations

Container Version of Modular Water Purification Systems


Modular systems are specifically engineered to provide emergency drinking water to the population during crisis scenarios when centralized water supply is unavailable. These systems are designed to purify water from both underground and surface sources

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Fully ready for operation

The systems are fully ready for operation — all water treatment and related equipment are mounted in insulated modules, adjusted and tested at our production.

100 units per year

The production time for such a system is typically within 1 month, with a production capacity of 100 units per year.

Industrial production

The modular systems are mass produced as a standardized product and come with the appropriate certifications following international standards. Additionally, they are accompanied by a complete documentation package that includes instructions, passports, and drawings available upon request.

Latest water purification technologies

The components of modular system

Water Treatment System

It converts artesian water or water from surface sources into high-quality drinking water. The process involves several stages, including reverse osmosis, iron removal, activated carbon adsorption, and ultraviolet disinfection.

Storage of Purified Water

Storage containers for purified water are utilized to accumulate drinking water and mitigate peak demand.

Pumping Stations

Pumping stations are used to deliver drinking water to consumers, supplying them with the required flow rate and pressure.

Heating and Air Conditioning systems

Heating and air conditioning systems maintain the necessary temperature inside the module to ensure proper functioning of the equipment.

Lighting and Security Alarm Systems

Lighting and security alarm system provides comfortable working conditions for the staff and ensure the preservation of equipment

Remote Monitoring

It enables remote monitoring of equipment operation from a distance and facilitates timely maintenance procedures


Containerized versions of modular water purification systems can supply temporary modular communities, villages, and urban areas with drinking water.

20 ft
100, 150 м³
per day
40 ft
200, 250 м³
per day



Flexible transportation and deployment

Energy Autonomy

Independence from electricity supply. Can operate with diesel generators.


Ability to combine containers for increased productivity.

Easy To Instal

Does not require capital construction or special technical premises.

Past projects



20 feet
Source of water supply: Water pipe
Purpose: Drinking Water
Productivity:  50 м3/day
Stages of water preparation:

Disc filter, carbon filter, primary disinfection, antiscalant dosing, reverse osmosis, UV disinfection.

Ecosot Modular Water Purification Systems Moldova
Ecosoft Херсон
Ecosoft Херсон


40 feet
Source of water supply: artesian well
Purpose: Drinking Water
Productivity:  200 м3/day
Stages of water preparation:

Disc filter, hypochlorite dosing, de-ironing on Greensand+.



40 feet
Source of water supply: artesian well
Purpose: Drinking Water
Productivity:  80 м3/day
Stages of water preparation:

Infinity, carbon filters, addition of antiscalant, desalination by reverse osmosis + submix, dosing of hypochlorite + rem.salts.


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