Filtrele de osmoză inversă Ecosoft P'URE reprezintă o combinație de tehnologii inovatoare și procese naturale care oferă o apă delicioasă cu un conținut stabil de minerale.
Sistemul de osmoză inversă Ecosoft P'URE Balance este o modalitate economică și ecologică de a vă bucura de o apă curată și delicioasă, îmbogățită cu minerale de calciu și magneziu. Reduce conținutul de PFAS cu 99%.
Capacitatea de debit
TDS (apă mineralizată)
Presiunea de intrare a apei
TDS (apă de intrare)
* Indicatorii sunt determinați în următoarele condiții: temperatura apei de intrare este de 20 °С, compoziția apei de ieșire și parametrii de funcționare a filtrului corespund celor recomandate de producător, intensitatea consumului de apă este adecvată pentru o familie de trei persoane. Când temperatura apei de intrare scade iarna, conținutul de minerale din apa tratată poate fi mai mic, iar când temperatura crește vara, acesta poate fi mai mare.
** După o oră sau mai mult timp de staționare, concentrația de minerale din primul pahar de apă poate depăși valoarea indicată.
This system uses advanced reverse osmosis technology to eliminate up to 99.8% of contaminants, including chlorine, heavy metals, and organic substances. With a capacity of 12 liters of purified water per hour, it's perfect for providing high-quality water to a household of five.
Balance Technology enhances water quality by infusing it with natural calcium and magnesium, elevating both taste and health benefits. The system maintains a consistent mineral content of 60-80 ppm in the purified water, guaranteeing that each glass contains the optimal balance of these beneficial elements.
AquaGreen Technology enhances water efficiency by achieving a 1:1 Pure to Drain ratio, significantly reducing waste and conserving resources. By optimizing water usage, AquaGreen Technology ensures that you get more from every drop, making it an ideal choice for those who are both budget-conscious and eco-friendly.
By combining an activated carbon cartridge with a reverse osmosis membrane, this system offers an effective solution for reducing all types of PFAS, ensuring safer drinking water.
The filter is designed for both horizontal and vertical installation, offering flexibility to fit various kitchen setups. It also requires no modifications to existing kitchen infrastructure, simplifying the installation process and minimizing disruption.
Certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA) to meet NSF/ANSI 58:2022, NSF/ANSI/CAN 372:2020, and CSA B483.1:2017 standards, ensuring superior quality and safety.
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Ecosoft PURE Balance reverse osmosis filter is a modern water filtration system designed to provide safe drinking water enriched with essential minerals like calcium and magnesium. Unlike traditional systems, it uses Balance technology to restore these minerals, ensuring your water is both safe and healthy.
Featuring AquaGreen technology, this filter system is environmentally friendly, with a 50% water recovery rate, reducing waste. It also offers flexible installation options—both vertical and horizontal—to fit easily into your kitchen without disruptions.
Ecosoft P'URE Balance includes everything needed for easy installation: pre-filters, membrane, carbon post-filter, mineralization filter, and a 12-liter pressure tank. Installation involves:
Regular maintenance includes replacing the pre-filters and membrane as per the manufacturer’s guidelines to maintain performance.
For more detailed information on related products, you can visit Ecosoft website to explore options like Standard set of 3 replacement filters, CROSS90 direct flow reverse osmosis filter, and RObust Mini reverse osmosis filter.
In PURE Balance reverse osmosis system, pre-filters need to be replaced every 3-6 months to ensure optimal performance, particularly for handling sediment and other impurities in the water. Additionally, the mineralization and membrane element, should be replaced annually to maintain the desired water quality.
Yes, PURE Balance reverse osmosis filter effectively removes both fluoride and chlorine from tap water. Reverse osmosis technology is known for its high efficiency in eliminating fluoride, typically reducing it by up to 93-95%, and it also removes 99% of chlorine along with other contaminants.
Yes, PURE Balance reverse osmosis filter can be used for well water purification. However, well water often contains sediments, heavy metals, and microorganisms that can affect filter performance. To ensure optimal operation and longevity of the filter, it's recommended to use a pre-filtration system to handle the heavier contaminants before the water reaches the reverse osmosis unit. This can help extend the lifespan of both the pre-filters and the reverse osmosis membrane, ensuring the water is effectively purified for safe consumption.
PURE Balance reverse osmosis filter has a water production capacity of around 12 liters per hour. This makes it ideal for home use, providing approximately 288 liters per day, which is sufficient for an average household’s daily water needs for drinking, cooking, and other purposes.