The Ecosoft Pink water softener range delivers high performance and cost-efficient operation for any household in a compact design. Available in three models, Ecosoft Pink ensures you can enjoy softer and cleaner water with reduced salt and water usage. Whether installed in the kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room, Ecosoft Pink fits perfectly into your home without taking up much space.

Key Features

Clack® DV fiabil, fabricat în SUA, cu vană de amestec

Advanced Clack® DV disc valve, manufactured in the USA, renowned for its durability and reliability. Equipped with ceramic-ceramic discs coated in diamond-carbon, this valve ensures smooth, reliable operation and long-lasting performance.

Regenerare proporțională cu flux ascendent pentru un consum inteligent

The Ecosoft Pink models utilize an proportional up-flow regeneration  which ensures that water and salt are consumed only as needed. This leads to a 20% reduction in salt and water use compared to traditional systems, providing you with both economic and environmental benefits.

10” pressure tanks for high flow and capacity

Built with 10” pressure tanks, these softeners ensure high performance and water flow for consistent soft water in any household.

High-quality ion-exchange resin

Ecosoft Pink softeners use high-quality ion-exchange resin, a premium material designed for optimal performance. Certified by NSF/ANSI/CAN 372 and 61, the resin guarantees safety and quality, effectively removing hardness from water to provide cleaner, softer water for everyday use.

Reliable body and professional assembly

Assembled in Belgium, the Ecosoft Pink softeners feature a solid and compact body that fits seamlessly into various spaces in your home. Their professional assembly and top-tier components ensure you get a system built to last, with high performance in a compact package.

Reliable US-made Clack® DV with mixing valve

Advanced Clack® DV disc valve, manufactured in the USA, renowned for its durability and reliability. Equipped with ceramic-ceramic discs coated in diamond-carbon, this valve ensures smooth, reliable operation and long-lasting performance.

Up-flow proportional regeneration for smart consumption

The Ecosoft Pink models utilize an proportional up-flow regeneration  which ensures that water and salt are consumed only as needed. This leads to a 20% reduction in salt and water use compared to traditional systems, providing you with both economic and environmental benefits.

10” pressure tanks for high flow and capacity

Built with 10” pressure tanks, these softeners ensure high performance and water flow for consistent soft water in any household.

High-quality ion-exchange resin

Ecosoft Pink softeners use high-quality ion-exchange resin, a premium material designed for optimal performance. Certified by NSF/ANSI/CAN 372 and 61, the resin guarantees safety and quality, effectively removing hardness from water to provide cleaner, softer water for everyday use.

Reliable body and professional assembly

Assembled in Belgium, the Ecosoft Pink softeners feature a solid and compact body that fits seamlessly into various spaces in your home. Their professional assembly and top-tier components ensure you get a system built to last, with high performance in a compact package.

General parameters

Each Ecosoft Pink model offers excellent performance with reduced resource consumption.

Cantitatea de rășină
Capacitate de volum
Presiunea de admisie

Effective salt consumption

The Ecosoft Pink softeners require 20% less salt per regeneration, reducing both costs and environmental impact.

Per liter of resin or less


With up to 20% less water usage during regeneration, the Ecosoft Pink models save water, making them an eco-friendly choice.

Per liter of resin or less


Thanks to their compact design, Ecosoft Pink water softeners offer versatile installation options, making them suitable for any part of your home.
Kitchen Sink
The Ecosoft Pink 100 is so compact, it can be conveniently installed under most kitchen sinks.
Washing machine mount
The Ecosoft Pink 150 is designed to fit seamlessly into a closet niche, providing soft water without taking up visible space.
Bathroom Sink
The Ecosoft Pink 200 can easily fit in bathrooms without taking up much space, ensuring hassle-free installation.


Thanks to their compact design, Ecosoft Pink water softeners offer versatile installation options, making them suitable for any part of your home.
Kitchen Sink
The Ecosoft Pink 100 is so compact, it can be conveniently installed under most kitchen sinks.
Washing machine mount
The Ecosoft Pink 150 is designed to fit seamlessly into a closet niche, providing soft water without taking up visible space.
Bathroom Sink
The Ecosoft Pink 200 can easily fit in bathrooms without taking up much space, ensuring hassle-free installation.


Thanks to their compact design, Ecosoft Pink water softeners offer versatile installation options, making them suitable for any part of your home.
Kitchen Sink
The Ecosoft Pink 100 is so compact, it can be conveniently installed under most kitchen sinks.
Washing machine mount
The Ecosoft Pink 150 is designed to fit seamlessly into a closet niche, providing soft water without taking up visible space.
Bathroom Sink
The Ecosoft Pink 200 can easily fit in bathrooms without taking up much space, ensuring hassle-free installation.

Which PINK SOFTENER is right for you?

Debit L/h
Number of bathrooms
10 L
Volume of resin
3 days
Days between regeneration
Debit L/h
Number of bathrooms
15 L
Volume of resin
5 days
Days between regeneration
Debit L/h
Number of bathrooms
20 L
Volume of resin
7 days
Days between regeneration

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