FilmTec™ BW30XFRLE-400/34 Membrane Element

Ideal for: reverse osmosis plant managers and operators dealing with challenging waters and wastewaters who are seeking anadvanced membrane treatment with good water purity, improved fouling resistance and low energy consumption.

Offers good salt-rejection with 30% lower pressures
Delivers excellent silica, nitrate and ammonium rejection
Provides the most effective cleaning performance, robustness and durability due to its widest cleaning pH range (1-13) and chemical tolerance and the support of DuPont technical representatives

Permeate flow rate

Product type

Spiral-wound element with polyamide thin-film composite membrane

Typical properties

  • Nominal active surface - 37 m²
  • Feed Spacer Thickness - 34-LPD mil
  • Permeate flow rate - 43.5 m3/day
  • Stabilized salt rejection - 99.3%
  • Minimum salt rejection - 99.1%

1. Permeate flow and salt rejection based on the following standard conditions: 2,000 ppm NaCl, 150 psi (10.3 bar), 77°F (25°C), pH 8 and 15% recovery.

2. Flow rates for individual elements may vary but will be no more than ±15%.

3. Stabilized salt rejection is generally achieved within 24-48 hours of continuous use; depending upon feed water characteristics and operating conditions.

4. Sales specifications may vary as design revisions take place.

5. Active area guaranteed ± 3%. Active area as stated by DuPont Water Solutions is not comparable to nominal membrane area often stated by some manufacturers.

Operating and Cleaning Limits

  • Maximum Operating Temperature - 45°C
  • Maximum Operating Pressure - 41 bar
  • Maximum Pressure Drop - 1.0 bar
  • pH Range (continous operation) - 2-11
  • Maximum Feed Silt Density Index - SDI 5
  • Free Chlorine Tolerance <0.1 ppm
FilmTec™ BW30XFRLE-400/34 Membrane element at the best price ⏩ Quality is approved by ISO and CE certificates ⭐️ 12 months warranty of FilmTec™ BW30XFRLE-400/34 Membrane element ✔️ Timely delivery of our products to any country of the world ⚡️ More than 60 countries.
Industrial 8" Reverse Osmosis
FilmTec™ BW30XFRLE-400/34 Membrane element