RoClean L403 low pH liquid RO Membrane Cleaner, 20 kg canister
RoClean L403 is a low pH liquid cleaner designed to remove metal foulants such as iron, manganese, and aluminium as well as calcium carbonate scale deposits from spiral wound polyamide and cellulose acetate elements.
RoClean L403 has been certified by NSF International under ANSI/NSF Standard 60 for use as an off-line cleaner in drinking water systems.
Use Instructions:
Below is a summary of the RoClean L403 cleaning guidelines. For detailed procedures, please consult the Avista technical bulletin entitled "Cleaning of Spiral Wound Membrane Systems".
1. Fill the cleaning tank to the desired volume with RO permeate or DI water. Heat the solution to the maximum acceptable temperature (see membrane manufacturer guidelines) as this will dramatically increase the cleaning efficiency. Add sufficient RoClean L403 to create a 2% wt/wt solution if the fouling is moderate/severe or 1% if the fouling is mild. Recycle the solution through the cleaning tank to ensure adequate mixing.
2. Recirculate the cleaning solution through each RO system stage, one at a time, fora minimum of 60 minutes at the flow rate recommended by the membrane manufacturer. If that rate is not known, use the guidelines listed below:
Flow rate per vessel:
4" RO membrane: 2.4 m3/hr (10 gpm)
8" RO membrane: 9 m3/hr (40 gpm).
3. If the membranes are heavily fouled and the recirculated cleaning solution becomes discolored or turbid, discard as much as 15% of the solution volume. Heavily fouled elements may also benefit from a soak period (up to 8 hours).
4. Monitor the pH of the solution during the cleaning process. If the pH remains in the desired range and the solution is not turbid, it may be used to clean subsequent stages. In the unlikely event the pH rises, prepare a new batch and repeat steps 1-4.5. When the clean is completed, rinse the membranes by recirculating RO permeate through each pressure vessel. To comply with NSF standards, the cleaner should beflushed out with 5 bed/volumes of water before putting the system back on-line.
Packaging and Storage:
Standard regional pack sizes are listed below. Custom packaging can be provided worldwide to meet customer needs. Information on drumless or bulk tanker delivery is available on request.