
Elevate your hydration experience with Ecosoft PURE Balance. Designed for use with Ecosoft PURE Balance reverse osmosis systems, this cartridge set ensures your water is not only clean but also perfectly balanced and refreshing.


• 5 micron sediment PP filter removes large particulates of silt, sand and rust

• Granular activated carbon (GAC) filter reduces content of chlorine, chlorinationbyproducts and natural organic matter

• Filter with AquaGreen technology protects membrane element

• Balance filter enriches pure water with calcium and magnesium

• Coconut shell carbon post-filter improves taste and odour of the purified water

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P'URE Balance set of 5 replacement filters PP5-GAC-CTOAG-BALANCE-POST at the best price ⏩ Quality is approved by ISO and CE certificates ⭐️ 12 months warranty of P'URE Balance set of 5 replacement filters PP5-GAC-CTOAG-BALANCE-POST ✔️ Timely delivery of our products to any country of the world ⚡️ More than 60 countries.
Domestic Reverse Osmosis
PURE Balance set of 5 replacement filters