Ecosoft cartridge set for the Standard 3-stage filter ensures up to 3,000 liters of spring-quality drinking water.* It is designed to effectively purify hard tap water, removing high levels of iron and harmful organic impurities.

*Performance may vary depending on the quality of the source water.


Сartridges in the Ecosoft Standard 3-stage filter utilize the unique Ecomix® technology. Water undergoes a sequential filtration process through three cartridges, each designed to target specific contaminants.

Stage 1
The cartridge with Ecomix D37 softens the water, removes chlorine, and reduces the content of heavy and colored metals.

Stage 2
The cartridge with Ecomix D531 provides additional water softening, lowers concentrations of phenols and petroleum products, and features a polymer sorbent that reduces harmful organic impurities, iron, and manganese.

Stage 3
Final fine filtration is performed using a cartridge made of compressed activated carbon. Sourced from coconut shells, this carbon eliminates harmful chlorinated organic compounds and retains the finest mechanical particles.

The cartridges are designed exclusively for the treatment of cold tap water.

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Domestic Reverse Osmosis
Ecosoft advanced set of replacement filters for 3-stage water filters