AmberLite™ MB20 H/OH Ion Exchange Resin

Mixture of Gaussian, Gel, Strong Acid Cation and Strong Base Anion Exchange Resins for Industrial Demineralization Applications

Applications: Service deionization;
Working mixed bed on tap water in small installations
Mixed bed polishing on RO or demineralized water
System designs: Externally-regenerated mixed beds and non-regenerated mixed beds
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Ionic Form, as shipped
H + / OH -
pH Range
Shipping Weight (Approx.)
Service Flow Rate
Maximum Operating Temperature

AmberLite™ MB20 H/OH Ion Exchange Resin is an equilibrated, homogeneous mixture of a dark strong acid cation and a clear strong base anion exchange resins. It is fully regenerated, ready-to-use, pre-mixed resin developed for the production of high-purity water in working and mixed bed polishing applications. The pre-mixed resin also allows for faster initial rinse-up prior to service, which minimizes rinse wastewater volume.

AmberLite™ MB20 H/OH is most commonly used in service deionization for a full demineralization of water when removal of silica and CO2is required. In most of the applications, the conductivity of the treated water is much lower than 0.1 µS/cm and the pH is neutral. If necessary, the resin can be regenerated after exhaustion. Both components must be separated by backwashing and regenerated separately.

AmberLite™ MB20 H/OH is the reference mixed bed for service deionization. The resin mixture is prepared from high-quality components and the proprietary manufacturing process ensures consistency from batch to batch. This enables the resin to perform in a highly stable manner delivering high-quality treated water consistently in both working and polishing mixed beds. The consistency in quality combined with visible separation of cation and anion resins prior to regeneration make AmberLite™ MB20 H/OH a trusted choice for mixed bed pool systems.

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DuPont™ AmberLite™ MB20 H/OH Ion Exchange Resin ➦ Quality is approved by the EAC. NSF and TÜV SÜD certificates. ✈ guarantee timely delivery of our products to any country of the world. ☑ 5 continents ☑ more than 60 countries ☑ Warehouses in 4 business areas (Western and Eastern Europe. the USA)
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Demineralization ion-exchange resin DuPont™ AmberLite™ MB20