Niedroga i bezpieczna woda pitna dzięki filtrom odwróconej osmozy Ecosoft Standard. Prosty i niezawodny sposób na cieszenie się czystą wodą pitną w domu.
Wybraliśmy komponenty systemu, które sprawiły, że był on przystępny cenowo, ale jakość wody pozostała nienaganna.
Redukuje zawartość PFAS nawet o 99%.
Wydajność przepływu
TDS (woda oczyszczona)
Ciśnienie wody na wlocie
TDS (woda wlotowa)
Wymagania elektryczne
V, 50 Hz
This filter delivers dependable performance and excellent value, providing consistent water purification and mineralization at an affordable price. It produces 8 liters of clean water per hour, making it a practical choice for various needs.
This system features a 5-stage filtration process and a mineralization stage. It removes 99% of impurities and adds essential minerals, providing clean and mineral-rich drinking water.
The included mineralization filter enriches the water with essential minerals, improving its taste and making it more enjoyable to drink. This feature not only purifies but also enhances the flavor of your water.
This filter is engineered to perform efficiently in low-pressure water supply systems, ensuring reliable operation even in homes with variable water pressure. Its design maximizes filtration effectiveness while accommodating the unique demands of low-pressure environments.
By combining an activated carbon cartridge with a reverse osmosis membrane, this system offers an effective solution for reducing all types of PFAS, ensuring safer drinking water.
Certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA) to meet NSF/ANSI 58:2022, NSF/ANSI/CAN 372:2020, and CSA B483.1:2017 standards, and CE certified for electrical equipment, ensuring superior quality and safety.
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